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Tag: #climatechange

Gallowglass Security at Tower Bridge for Genpact 24 Hour Melting Point Challenge

It’s refreshing to see the long overdue and welcome return of creative and innovative event professionals; applying their expertise in producing and managing a unique and imaginative event, that showcases both cutting edge green technology and promotes climate change awareness.

Nowhere was this more evident than at Tower Bridge in London on Wednesday, with the launch of the Genpact 24 Hour Melting Point Challenge in advance of the return to London, for the first time since 2016, of the Formula E Heineken® London E-Prix, taking place on the streets of Battersea on the 24/25 th July.

Responsibility for producing an event of this profile and significance were leading and renowned event industry professionals, John Farquhar Smith of the FLUX Creative and Health and Safety expert Nick Love.

The Genpact 24 Hour Melting Point Challenge involved placing a three-ton ice replica of the Envision Virgin Racing Formula E car alongside the team’s race car at the Tower Bridge in Potters Field Park.

The challenge itself allowed for members of the public to engage in and embrace the race against climate change by predicting the percentage of total ice melt of the ice sculpted vehicle within a 24-hour period whilst exposed to the elements and other environmental factors. Each prediction from the public generated revenue itself for the Arctic Ice Project.

In turn this experiential promotion was the perfect precursor to the Formula E Heineken® London E-Prix this weekend. This was the brainchild of FIA President Jean Todt and Spanish businessman, Formula E Chairman Alejandro Agag in 2011, and its aims were simple, to bring together pioneering companies committed to accelerating the transition to electric vehicles.

What is unique about this race series, is that all racing vehicles are electronic and that the races take place on City streets. Whilst involved in a wide range of sustainability initiatives, what really stands out is that the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship is the only sport certified as net zero carbon since it came into existence.

The Managing Partner of Gallowglass Security Partners LLP, Giles Turnbull says:

“I worked with both John and Nick for more years than I care to mention and know them both as friends and the seasoned professionals that they are.

We were thrilled to be instructed by John to provide the necessary security guarding support for asset protection and crowd management duties, for an event with its own distinct character, coupled with the gravitas of its message.

We pride ourselves on deploying security teams that understand the key messaging involved at all events, in addition to their core duties, so that they mirror and reflect the values and tone of the organisers and stakeholders.

With all that in mind I would like to express my thanks and convey my gratitude to the guards on the ground for doing a superb job, I must however, make mention of Rebecca Ryan, for an outstanding contribution to this high profile assignment.”

A Summer of Discontent ?

We live in fascinating yet turbulent, and highly unpredictable times. The convulsions in society, largely brought about by Brexit and the Covid pandemic, and aided and abetted by social media, have brought about seismic change and the polarising of attitudes that has challenged, and some would say shattered traditional divisions and loyalties.

We see this discontent play out in increasingly trenchant public protest in London and throughout the UK. This ranges from from disenchanted Brexit Remainers, Extinction Rebellion on climate change, BLM and their charge of systemic racism and the need for reparations to atone for slavery, the anti-lockdown and vax movement challenging government Covid policy, through to open government advocates with their desire to see the freeing of Julian Assange.

It was a great privilege therefore, to be invited by Steve Kennedy, a dedicated and committed criminal defence lawyer; to provide security support to him, his team of volunteers and speakers to speak, unimpeded, at Parliament Square in London against the Police Crime Sentencing and Courts Bill.

Opponents of this Bill argue passionately that if this Bill enters the statute book, then cherished notions of the right to protest, and in turn free speech, will be curtailed, and without this vital pressure valve, disorder could take a far more dangerous and virulent turn. One thing is certain, 2021 will not replicate 1967’s Summer of Love, and we foresee turmoil ahead.

As an organisation it is not our position to take a view on these profoundly important societal issues. Our only priority is to discharge our security obligations, to the very highest professional and ethical standards, to protect those who put their trust in us.